
By Kirk Anderson, Director of Student Ministry

Romans 12:2  And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

I was Empty

God detoured me to be FILLED

I was not following God’s path

God detoured me to friends and fellowship

I was bitter and blamed God…<my way>

God detoured me to…soften my heart and be thankful! <God’s Way>

I was distracted

God detoured me to be focused

I was diving into a dark place

God detoured me into the Light

I was…Rude and Angry

God detoured me to Love and Patience

I thought…I am in control

God showed…He is in control

I was headed to contentment

God detoured me to Courage

I was in a world of Silence

God detoured me to His Word

I was alone

God Detoured me to Friendship.

I was confused in my faith

God led me to see Him clearly.

I was putting God Out of my Everyday LIFE

God detoured me to putting Him IN my everyday LIFE

I was worried

God detoured me to peace

I was lost and confused

God detoured me to HAPPINESS and FRIENDSHIP

I was Lost & Alone

God detoured me to be a part of His PLAN.

I was Confused & Irritated…

God led me to the answer; to patience

I was Stressed

God led me to Peace

I was Lost and Confused

God detoured me to a Path with a Plan


God detoured me to…Slow Down & Enjoy His Presence

When we put “I”, as in ourselves, before God, we lose our direction and get caught up in this world. We get scared, lonely, confused, lost, angry and greedy. We lash out at others, and we fail. But the God of this earth is so full of love and grace that He is willing to give us signs, detours if you will, to allow us back on His path, to be a part of his world.

For a week in July, those of us who went on mission trip were able to experience many signs from God. Some were spoken to us, some were actual detour signs and some were whispers and nudges, letting us know that He was there. God was saying He wanted us to change direction, to look at our lives and make a commitment to a new path, a path not led by us but by Him.

Every year this amazing church supports and makes sure any youth that want to attend this mission opportunity get to take this trip. These trips change lives as you can see by the “Statements of Detour” above from those who were on this year’s trip to Cherokee Nation, NC. But my thought is, for this article post anyway, how many of you have taken the time lately to get away, serve others, worship and pray, to let God be completely in your life 24/7? If you haven’t, what would happen if you took a week and spent it with others praising and seeking God? Would you come back a different person? Would you hear God and see the detour sign He may have placed in your life? Would you re-think how you treat your fellow man?

My challenge to you is this – read Romans 12:2 again, plan and take a week or longer and use it to serve others with others. Praise and worship God, be in prayer, read and mediate on the Word, allow God to permeate your life for that week 24/7 and see what happens.

Is it a sacrifice? You bet it is…but imagine where that detour may take you!

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