From the Pastor’s Desk: A Note About Health Precautions

What does life at Grace Presbyterian Church look like in this time of the Coronavirus – Covid 19?  The answer will likely change from day to day.

Tim and Isaac, our custodians, are cleaning as vigilantly as ever.  Tim is in tune with what cleaning supplies are best equipped to kill the virus.  Jacob’s Learning Ladder is receiving regular updates from the state health department and follows all guidelines.

The other change to our common life is that on Sunday we ask you not to shake hands, even during the passing of the peace.  While some of you are completely comfortable with shaking hands, the people next to you might not be.  In addition our ushers will greet you with words of welcome but no handshakes.

We are exploring the possibility of video recording our services so that those of you who need to stay home may watch.  Right now, you may listen to sermons on our website.

Listen to Sermons

If you are sick, we ask that you not come to worship.  If you are sick or choose to stay home because of your vulnerability to sickness, please let us know if you need anything.  Do you need someone to run to the store for you?

For the coming weeks look for updates like this in the Thursday email.

In Christ,


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