Messy Church: January 21

Life is messy.  Church is for messy people.

Messy Church is an interactive worship experience targeted at children eight and under and their families. It meets once a month, and the next gathering is January 21 at 4:30 pm.

We started Messy Church in September, and every month it looks a little different, but every month there will be singing, art, story, and a simple free dinner.

Messy Church is a way for young people and their families to encounter God.  It is a little chaotic, a little messy, joyful, authentic, and the time always closes with a free dinner.  The whole thing goes for about an hour, but sometimes people stick around and talk.

Messy Church is for church people and for people who don’t go to church.

We’re not perfect. We don’t expect you to be either.  Come and get messy with us.

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