Youth in Prayer

By Kirk Anderson, Director of Student Ministries

Prayer is such a personal thing, yet something that we do in private and in community. Prayer is our opportunity to be with God in direct communication.

Over the past couple of weeks the youth have looked at Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians (Ephesians 1:15-23). We looked at Paul’s example as a way to remind us to put God first in prayer. Too often I catch myself being one-sided in my prayers. Help ME!   I forget who put me here in the first place, and that He is worthy of my worship, praise and thanksgiving.

During our look at Ephesians, youth wrote prayers that I found very powerful in their truth and honesty – a great example for me to follow and use. Some are written below. Please take a moment and lift God up in prayer in your own words or maybe use the words of some of our amazing youth.

  • “Dear God; I know I do not deserve your mercy, but please bless me with your Glory!  I love you so much…but You are perfect and I am not.  You bring me joy and sunlight in the darkness. Help me find grace where there is none.  Amen.”
  • “Dear God; I have done wrong things. I ask for your forgiveness. You are the mighty God, the King of all kings.  You sent your only Son to die on the cross for our sins. You are the light of the world. You are the glorious God. Amen.”
  • “Let me forgive all of those who I have yet to forgive, let all of those who need hope receive it, and help all of those in times of troubles overcome them.  Let me accept the love that I know I deserve.  Amen.”
  • “I’m praying to you oh mighty God to bestow your love and mercy to my family members that need it and for you to show them the light.”
  • “God I thank you for your wisdom.  Thank you for your powerful strength.  Each and every day I will spread your love through Jesus Christ our Savior. Thank you glorious Lord.  Amen.”


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