Deep Roots Updates

Deep RootsWe continue with our Deep Roots facility updates, and we remain grateful for your faithfulness in giving.  We have replaced and added high definition surveillance cameras. There are still a few to add, but this project is moving toward completion. The new cameras involve new wiring, so if you’ve been at Grace and seen a person with his head up in the ceiling tiles, that’s our tech man running cables.

You may have noticed new devices on the main doors as well as on doors in and around Jacob’s Learning Ladder. These are the controlled access panels. We are not using them exclusively, but we are getting closer to providing controlled access to the building.

This work is being ushered in by a faithful team of people. We give thanks for Jim Grannis, Ron Spangenberg, Laura Daniel, Kim Alexander, Bill Woolf, staff members Martin Burch and Kirk Anderson, and Grace friend Chuck Newman.

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