February 2021 Finances


February Income figures improved, but we are still on the down side of income numbers. The accompanying graph shows that the Blue Bar (Regular income: Net food income, All giving, and Jacob’s income) was just under $44,000 in February for a total this year of 80,353. That amount of monthly income is not sustainable in the long run. We are using a portion of the $110,000 cash forward we are carrying from 2020 that you can see reflected in the green bar on the graph. Trustees will continue to monitor our financial situation as we resume two in-person services on Sunday. As we move through this new year we need everyone to continue to give to Grace. We cannot do what we do as a church without each of you. Your gifts of time, talent and financial support are crucial to us as we move forward through the year. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the ministries of Grace.

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