Peace and Global Witness Offering: October 2

peace offering

On Sunday, October 2, we receive the PCUSA Peace and Global Witness Offering. From the PCUSA:

The words of Isaiah 55 convey a profound message to us during A Season of Peace:

For you shall go out in joy, and be led forth in peace.

Go out in joy. Looking around our world these days, it is sometimes hard to feel joyful. Yet joy inherently embraces optimism. Joy is the companion of faith and hope. In our polarized world torn by war, famine, and marginalization of the poor and disenfranchised, we are in desperate need of joyful and brave people who are willing to ask hard questions and live the difficult solutions that make peace possible.  

Be led forth in peace. Through the Peace & Global Witness Offering, we connect with each other, as the Church, together, to confront systems of injustice and promote reconciliation in places around the world and right here at home.

Fifty percent of this offering goes to the National PCUSA. Twenty-five percent goes to the Presbytery of Southern Kansas for distribution, and we determine how to share the final 25%. This year our portion goes to This Child Here. This Child Here works in Ukraine with vulnerable children and youth. 

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