Welcome Emily Stoltz, JLL Director!

Emily Stoltz

We are excited to welcome Emily Stoltz as our new Jacob’s Learning Ladder Director (JLL).  Emily is new to the Director position but not new to JLL.  For nearly 10 years Emily served as a teacher at Jacob’s, most recently in the Pre-K room.  Emily is from Wichita and is a K-State graduate.  We’re excited about the future of Jacob’s!

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Devotional Material

Did you know that Grace provides daily devotionals for you to take home?  “The Upper Room” and “These Days” are both available in the church narthex area next to the large African tapestry.  (If you don’t know where this is, ask a staff member.)

The two books are similar and both provide a daily scripture and brief reflection.  Many Grace members take these home and use them daily, while others do not know about this resource. As we live into our ...

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Messy Church: September 9

Messy Church returns in September!

Messy Church is our once a month interactive worship experience that always ends with free dinner.  This year Messy Church happens on the second Sunday of the month at 4:30 pm.  Messy Church is designed with children 8 and under in mind, BUT people of all ages are welcome.  It’s a little different each month, but there is always singing, playing, laughing, praying, and Bible story telling.  We wrap up with dinner around 5:30 pm.

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Love and Logic: September 9 – November 4

This fall we offer Love and Logic at 10 am on Sundays.  The classes start on September 9 and meet in the Parlor.

Love and Logic happens when we allow children to make decisions, make affordable mistakes and experience the natural or logical consequences.  When we balance this with sincere empathy, they develop the following logic: The quality of my life depends on the quality of my choices. 

But what do we do when our parenting button gets pushed?  How do ...

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Jacob’s Learning Ladder Open House: Sunday, August 26

Join the staff and families of Jacob’s Learning Ladder for an open house.  Jacob’s celebrates its 30th year this fall!

The open house takes place after both worship services on Sunday, August 26. This is an opportunity to learn about this incredible ministry and to look forward to this new school year.

Check out classrooms, look at pictures, hear stories, and enjoy some refreshments. Jacob’s classes are on the lower level of Grace and on the main floor in Rooms 106 and ...

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