January Sunday School: The Dead Sea Scrolls: Something for Christians to Get (Soberly) Excited About

The greatest archaeological discovery of the last century is without question the library of Qumran, popularly known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. Because it took decades to publish them, conspiracy theories abounded about their contents, and by the time that they were published, it was difficult to know what significance they hold, if any, for our understanding of the New Testament. Was Jesus a member of the Essenes, the esoteric society that produced the Scrolls? Were the Essenes early Christians? ...

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Angel Tree: Return Gifts by December 2


treeThe Angel Tree is full of Angels and Stars! Please help by choosing one and purchasing a new gift for someone in need this Christmas. Please bring your new, unwrapped gift back to the tree on or before Sunday, December 2, then hang your ornament on your tree and remember this special person this season!

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Operation Holiday

It’s time for Operation Holiday!  Each year we partner with Interfaith Ministries for Operation Holiday.  Operation Holiday serves more than 13,000 people in our community every year by providing food, coats, and blankets.

We have large Operation Holiday boxes in the halls at Grace.  Please contribute coats, hats, gloves, and blankets in the boxes.  Yellow bag items for December go to Operation Holiday.  Both new and used coats are welcome.

Return all donations to Grace by Sunday, December 11.  Contact Catherine Neelly ...

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Election Hospitality: November 6

Tuesday, November 6, is Election Day, and Grace is an election site. We expect large numbers of people to be in and out of our building that day.

We need your help. We hope to have volunteers here to offer coffee and directions to the bathroom to those who come here to vote.  When lines get long you’ll help us keep the lines funneled in the right direction.

Can you help?

Volunteer shifts are for one hour, on the half hour, starting at ...

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